Plugin unsuccessful with 2.5D items from Sketchup

Plugin unsuccessful with components utilizing tenons. For instance, a table top with breadboard ends  is current project. Highest elevation of the component is treated as cutout (sometimes, but in this case, it was deemed a pocket = 32"x64" table top ground away with a pocketing toolpath - yikes!).  

Typically the tenons are considered a pocket, but no outline for cutout is generated, so they end up being cut off. Also, bottom of tenon, being offset upward, is considered another pocket, so it grinds away the tenon with yet another pocketing toolpath. Further complicating the matter is holes for pinning on the breadboard end. They too are considered 2 entities - one at the entry depth of the tenon, another at the exit point. I could simply discard erroneous pocket, but that still leaves node editing/copying vectors to cutout layer in order to re-gain the true profile, which includes tenon outline. Frankly, at 10+ years Sketchup user, I just have a frustrating time drawing /editing anything even mildly complex in VCPro. Node editing is bloody tedious for me. Seems only remedy may be to draw components in anticipation of how the plugin will interpret the item, meaning I must re-draw a dummy part strictly for machining(?).

Bottom line: I enjoy cleanliness of svg files - yes, arcs are now correct, and no tedious stitching of open vectors is needed, so exporting from Sketchup with this plugin is a good thing in many instances.
However, with Vectric, too much confusion on holes/rabbets/dados/cutouts to be useful. I’m spending more time fixing/stitching than if I’d stick with old methodology of importing one set of vectors at a time. In my limited experience, this plugin simply gets too confused by 2.5D objects for me to continue it’s use as a toolpath generating assistant.

Perhaps I’ve missed important points regarding this in other topics here?


Usually pockets do have to be cleaned up but the value of getting a quick preview is high for me in going through the design process even if it is not the final solution. I have never had to do any node editing to clean things up, it mainly just involves resizing the rectangles for the pockets which can be done easily and quickly. The gadget may not be as automatic as you would like but I still think it has value in the design process and the SVG is a very effective way of getting the vectors into Vcarve.

Jeff, can you post the model you’re talking about?

I’m wondering if making use of Layers in Vectric would help? We organize all operations by layer…

But please do share the model, I’d like to take a look at it to see if I can offer any help.

Tried to post model - email failed - attachment was 3-400k. Not sure if attachment caused the issue?

Can you attach it right here on the forum (IE not through email?)

I simply made a “dummy” table for the export to help the plugin interpret the targeted results better. Often times I’ll simply use the exporter for cleaner files and generate the toolpaths manually if I know it’s going to get weird.
Here is the original draft of the table top.

Table Top.skp (259.9 KB)

Ok, I’ve had a chance to really play around with this model now, and it comes down to this:

Our plugin is getting clean vectors, but it’s getting confused because you have “overhangs” like this:



For this first release we really focused on single sided machining, not machining parts from multiple sides.

That being said, we should be able to support a drawing like this.

I fooled around with it and I found one odd issue: For some reason the origin of your table top part is causing problems. Right click the table top, select “change axes” and move it to a different spot. Make sure you use one of the lines that makes up the bottom of the table as the starting point. Orientate as you’ve been doing all along.

Once I did that and I re-exported it got a lot better, but not perfect. Those overhangs are throwing off our code. I modded the table to be a single sided object and I got it to work a lot better, see the attached drawing. this time we have a proper profile path:

Table Top fixed.skp (315.7 KB)

I know that’s not how it will exist in real life, but this seems to be a workable solution for right now. You could use this export, combined with the double sided machining features of VCarve/Aspire to make this happen.

If that’s not clear let me know and I’ll do a screen cast for you. We are taking a deeper look at this for sure.

Indeed, that’s what I did with the “dummy” top to help the plugin interpret the milling better.



Cool, did you catch the part about moving the origin to a piece of geometry that’s at the bottom of your part?

Yep got it - paying closer attention to that now

Cool. Let me know how things go. We’re working on making your issue here a bit better, although it’ll be a few weeks before we’re able to push an update.

If you run into anything else do post!