FABBER is exporting .svg files but app.glowge is not processing them

Hi, new to Fabber, when testing fabber with sketchUp. Installed it and it seems to be working properly. However when I try to upload an exported .svg file to app.glowforge.com it says that there is no data. is there something I am missing? also, when i try to open the same files in inkscape it shows nothing as well.

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Can you post the SketchUp model and the SVG you’re having trouble with?

I am having the same problem

was there ever a solution given?

tried to upload file here however it said image is corrupt and cannot determine the size.

Hmmm… That’s odd as I, and many of us are using this with Glowforge… Can you post a SketchUp file that you’re exporting from so I can take a look?

To check first: glowforge settings are .008 for tool size and 1k for doing, yes?

The “Tool Size” really is just for circles. If we see a circle that matches the tool size, we put that on a “Drill” layer. If we see a circle size that’s smaller than the tool, it’s discarded. If we see a circle that’s larger than the tool it’s considered an inside toolpath.

For Glowforge it really doesn’t matter, just make it .001 or something.

As far as other settings you can just use the “Adobe Illustrator” settings for Glowforge.

no dice. blank inkscape page or all the pieces stacked on top of each other. I spent hours making each piece a component, then changed all the axes as well.

its just a sketchup model from the warehouse “traveling tool caddy”

That search on 3D warehouse is coming up blank. If you can post the model, or a link to it on 3D warehouse I can troubleshoot it for you.